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Jail for man who filmed fiancee’s sister showering; fiancee made ‘shocking’ find by accessing his phone

SINGAPORE — After developing “a liking” for videos where women are filmed in the nude without their knowledge, a man used his mobile phone to record videos of his fiancee’s sister showering. 
When he visited the home of the sister and her husband, he would place his mobile phone in the restroom and turn on the recording function. 
On Thursday (Aug 22), the man, 33, was sentenced to 20 weeks’ jail after pleading guilty to a charge of insulting the modesty of a woman. 
Another charge of possessing voyeuristic material was taken into consideration for sentencing. 
The offender, the 33-year-old victim, the 29-year-old fiancee and others cannot be named by court order to protect the victim’s identity. 
Sometime in 2017, the man’s prurient desires towards women filmed without their knowledge led him to download several of these videos for his consumption.
In 2019, he would film his fiancee when she was sleeping or when the two of them had sex.
Court documents stated that this was done with her consent. 
The same year, the man’s appetite for filming women grew and he wanted to record nude videos of his fiancee’s sister.  
He did so by placing his iPhone in the restroom when he thought that the victim would be using it. 
He eventually recorded nine videos of the victim when she was showering.
There were also two instances where the man recorded the victim showering in an Airbnb apartment when he was on holiday in South Korea and Malaysia with the victim and his fiancee. 
Sometime on July 13 last year, the man’s fiancee was using the toilet when she noticed an iPhone on the toilet-paper dispenser. Since she knew his password, she decided to access it. 
She scrolled through the iPhone and was “shocked” to discover videos of the victim showering in there.
The next day, the fiancee met her sister and informed her of what she had found on the man’s phone. The two later made a police report. 
Court documents did not disclose whether the offender is still in a relationship with his fiancee.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Darren Sim sought a sentence of 24 to 28 weeks’ jail. 
For insulting the modesty of a woman and intruding on her privacy, the man could have been jailed for up to one year or fined, or both.
